I stumbled upon a page that shared some tips to be more creative, i read it and as a person working in a creative field i'll pick five tips that working best (at least for me)
1. Commit Yourself to Developing Your Creativity and Make Time for Creativity
The first step is to fully devote yourself to developing your creative abilities. Do not put off your efforts. Set goals, enlist the help of others and put time aside each day to develop your skills.
You won't be able to develop your creative talents if you don't make time for them. Schedule some time each week to concentrate on some type of creative project.
2. Become an Expert and Build Your Confidence
One of the best ways to develop creativity is to become an expert in that area. By having a rich understanding of the topic, you will be better able to think of novel or innovative solutions to problems.
Insecurity in your abilities can suppress creativity, which is why it is important to build confidence. Make note of the progress you have made, commend your efforts and always be on the lookout for ways to reward your creativity.
3. Brainstorm to Inspire New Ideas
Brainstorming is a common technique in both academic and professional settings, but it can also be a powerful tool for developing your creativity. Start by suspending your judgment and self-criticism, then start writing down related ideas and possible solutions. The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible in a relatively short span of time. Next, focus on clarifying and refining your ideas in order to arrive at the best possible choice.
4. Try the Snowball Technique
Have you ever noticed how one great idea often leads directly to another? You can take advantage of this by utilizing a "snowball technique" when you are generating ideas for your project. If the idea isn't appropriate for your current work, set it aside to work on later or implement it in a future project. And that's what the next point will get in.
5. Keep a Creativity Journal
Start keeping a journal to follow your creative process and track the ideas you produce. A journal is a great way to reflect back on what you have accomplished and look for other possible solutions. This journal can be used to save ideas that can later serve as future inspiration.
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6. Look for Sources of Inspiration
Never expect creativity to just happen. Look for new sources of inspiration that will give you fresh ideas and motivate you to generate unique answers to questions. Read a book, visit a museum, listen to your favorite music or engage in a lively debate with a friend. Utilize whatever strategy or technique works best for you.
7. Create Opportunities for Creativity
In addition to looking for inspiration, you also need to create your own opportunities for creativity. This might involve tackling a new project or finding new tools to use in your current projects.
Have fun
this is awesome article